Friday, April 29, 2011

Always Thankful!

My mom and I have this saying that we always repeat to one another. "I'll always be thankful."  We've been saying it since I was a small child and still say it to this day.

I make it a priority in life to always be thankful for what I have and the people in my life. Every day, at least once, I try to think and be thankful for the important people in my life. While I think we all struggle at times to remember how blessed we are, I've found that in the face of tragedy we always seem to realize how much we actually have.

On Wednesday, my parents and David and I gathered around 2:00 pm at my house to prepare for the "bad weather" everyone was talking about. Of course, having no idea what was in store. My mom had prepared some delicious food and we sat down to spend some quality time together all to the tune of James Spann and ABC 33/40 of course!

Well, fast forward to 5 pm on Friday...

I'm sitting here talking with my momma, while browsing pictures from the horrible events that occured and and listening to the news that is still coming in. The Lord took care of my home and my family. The tornado just seemed to pass us by. My whole family was blessed really.  Our only "news" was from my cousin, a student at the University of Alabama, who lost her apartment, her belongings, and her vehicle. ...but she's still alive! So many other stories didn't have endings that happy.

So, today I'm thankful for so many things.

My parents, grandparents, friends, the fact that I have a nice, safe, dry place that I get to come home to every night and a bed where I can get a good night's sleep. I'm thankful that we have food on our table and that I have gas in my car. I'm thankful that I have a debit card and some cash in my purse. I'm thankful for David and that there's a day coming in just a few short months when I'm going to be his wife.

I'm most thankful that I have a relationship with Jesus Christ and I find comfort in knowing that He is the reason why I'm sitting here right now. He is the reason that my family was protected. ...and I think it's important to remember that even in the face of such tragedy, he knew exactly what was coming and exactly what was going to happen. Some may not undertand it now, but He does and has been surprised by absolutely nothing that has happened in the last 72 hours. Even when things are so scary and so sad, it's nice to know that Someone has it all under control.

"i'll always be thankful."

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